Greetings in Yoruba


What is the importance of greetings in Yoruba communication?

Who greets?                                                              

What are honorific pronouns?

What are the types of Yoruba greetings?

What are the roles of greetings in the family?


What is the importance of greetings in Yoruba communication?

It will be an understatement to say that the Yoruba cherished greetings so much. We can equally say that greetings are inseparable from the Yoruba because, this is the first thing a stranger will notice when he meets the Yoruba people. In fact, the Yoruba men and women rescued from slavery by the British warship and settled in Freetown in the present Republic of Sierra Leone at the beginning of 19th century were known and called ‘Aku’ which is the prefix that is attached to all types of greetings in Yoruba. Greeting is a way of showing respect to each other, not only between an elder and a younger one, but also between peers. A child or an adult who wakes up in the morning, meet people on their way, and do not greet them is regarded as being untutored and without the required home training. Greeting is very vital to communication and community life among the Yoruba because it acts as a motivator of some sort. The absence of an appropriate greeting, whenever it is required can be the beginning of an age long hostility. For instance, if two people or even two families, at loggerhead on any issue, have stopped all forms of communication, per adventure any one of them gives birth, it is incumbent and mandatory for the other to greet him or her, just for the safe delivery of the baby. The grudge and its accompanying hostilities can continue. If he/she refuses to do so, it will be assumed that overtly or covertly, the other person or group has been planning something sinister for the expectant mother. When one is receiving a guest, whether a stranger or someone that is known, one must treat the person ‘generously’. The content of the greeting may include questions about the trip, how stressful it is, the cost of transportation, how he/she is able to locate the house and so on. After all these salutations, the proper business of the visit will now commence. After the conclusion of the business and the guest is ready to leave, the host must see him/her off with appropriate greetings.


Who greets?  

There is also no hard and fast rule about who greet first. However, it is preferable for the young person to initiate the greetings. In most situations, it is the first person to see that greets first; either young or old. However, when the younger ones are greeting the elders, the boys will prostrate- full stretch with their chests and chin on the ground while the girls will knee down with their two knees. They, then, greet as circumstance demands. They will be in the position until the elders complete their own part of the greetings. The process of the greeting can be between three to five minutes. It is forbidden for the younger ones to look into the eyes of the older ones in the process of greeting. While the younger ones are on their knees or prostrating (as the case may be) the elders will be saying all his/her oriki or praise and attributive names, both personal and family ones. It is also forbidden for the younger ones to say the oriki of the older ones.


What are honorific pronouns?

These are so called here because of their function as marks of respect and honor in the Yoruba language and culture. These are the plural forms of regular Yoruba pronouns that are used, out of deference, to refer to a single older or senior person. It will be regarded disrespectful and rude if a young person or junior fails to use the ‘honorific pronouns’ in addressing or in referring to an older person or senior. The use of these pronouns is crucial in greetings but it applies to speech in all aspects of life. The ‘honorific pronouns include: E ‘You (plural),’ won ‘they/them’ and yin ‘you (plural).’


Kaaro o           ‘good morning’           to an age mate or colleague ’

E kaaro o’        ‘good morning’           to an older person or more than one person


            Kaabo              ‘welcome’

            E kaabo           ‘welcome (sir/madam or more than one person)’


What are the types of Yoruba greetings?

Greetings in Yoruba are countless. There is no occasion that does not have its distinct and peculiar greeting. For days and seasons, there are greetings for very early morning, morning, mid-day, afternoon, evening and night. There are also special greetings for the seasons and the different festivals when there is food drought and when there is plenty to eat. All occupations, trades, and professions have different greetings peculiar to each of them. Some of these include, among others, farmers, hunters, black smith, traders, teachers, the diviners, hair dressers, etc. In addition, different states of health have their own greetings. For instance, a person that is seriously ill has one, someone recuperating has too. There are also greetings to be offered at funerals. The age of the deceased determines the type of greeting. For instance, there are different types of greetings for deaths that are considered premature and deaths that are considered to be matured. There is a type for greeting when one is embarking on a journey, another when you are right within the trip and another upon arrival. There are separate greetings for barren women, expectant mother, immediately after delivery and in the process of breast feeding and weaning of the baby.


What are the roles of greetings in the family?

Within the family setting, both nuclear and extended, greetings are crucial. Young people are trained to learn and offer greetings for each appropriate time or occasion. Leading by example, the Baale or family head wakes up very early in the morning and greets everybody within the compound. In the process of greeting, he mentions their names individually, no matter how young or old. In this process, he makes enquiry about the state of their health, work, and even progress. Since he is the Baale, he knows the oriki or praise and attributive names of everybody within the nuclear and extended family. As the greetings progress, he laced them with individual’s attributive and praise names. This early morning greetings are particularly important in the Yoruba setting. Any Baale that does not do this is regarded as irresponsible and ignoring his duty to his family members. This opportunity of early morning greetings is also used acquainting himself with state of affairs of everybody within his ‘community’.