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(Yorùbá Grammar)

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Hear the entire alphabet

Aa            Bb             Dd              Ee              Cc              Ff     

Gg              GBgb        Hh              Ii                 Jj              Kk    

Ll                Mm           Nn              Oo              Vv            Pp    

Rr               Ss             Xx              Tt                Uu          Ww


Enjoy the alphabet rhyme

A – ajá             ‘dog’                             B – bàtà                       ‘shoe’

D – dzj}          ‘sickle’                           E – ejò                         ‘snake’

C – cyc            ‘bird’                             F - fila                          ‘hat’

G – gèlè          ‘headgear’                   GB - gbàgbá               ‘type of vegetable’

H – haúsá       ‘Northern Nigerian’        I – igi                            ‘tree’

J – jàgùdà       ‘thief’                            K – kàkàkí                   ‘trumpet’         

L – labalábá     ‘butterfly’                    M – maalu                   ‘cow’   

N – naira         ‘Nigerian currenc      O – owo                      ‘money’

V – zpzl<        ‘frog’                           P – pàkúté                   ‘trap’

R – ràkúnmí    ‘camel’                        S – sálúbàtà                ‘slippers’

X – xíbí            ‘spoon’                       T – tata                        ‘grasshopper’

U – isU            ‘yam’                           W – Wàhálà                ‘trouble’

Y – yànmùyánmú       ‘mosquito’


© African Studies Institute, University of Georgia