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(About Yorùbá)

Ìxcnupe Ède Yorùbá
(Yorùbá Pronunciation)

Gírámà Ède Yorùbá
(Yorùbá Grammar)

Àwvn Òxìxc Àk<yc
(ÀK>YC Team)


Vowels:      Oral                                       
Hear all the oral vowels

a       e       c              o       v       u      

a          as in: ajá       ‘dog’                àxà      ‘culture’          ará      ‘relative’          

e          as in: èdè     ‘language’         ewé     ‘leaf’               eré      ‘play’

c          as in: cyc      ‘bird’                |j|       ‘blood’            }g|     ‘cassava’         

i           as in: igi        ‘tree’                 ìjì         ‘strong wind’    ìdí        ‘buttocks’

o          as in: owó     ‘money’            òjò       ‘rain’               òpó     ‘pole/pillar’       

v          as in: vkz      ‘vehicle’           vj<       ‘day’                zwz     ‘respect’

u          as in: dùrù    ‘piano’              ìlú        ‘town/city’        sùúrù  ‘patience’

 Vowels:      Nasalized                                         

Hear all the nasalized  vowels
an     cn     in       vn     un

an        as in: cran    ‘meat’       ìtàn      ‘story’             àdán        ‘bat’

cn        as in: ycn      ‘that’        ìycn     ‘that one’         wznycn    ‘those ones’

in         as in: ìrìn       ‘walk’       cyin     ‘egg’               ìgbín         ‘snail’

vn        as in: vgb<n ‘wisdom’  ìbvn    ‘gun’                agbzn       ‘basket’

un        as in: irun     ‘hair’         okùn   ‘rope’               oyún         ‘pregnancy’

© African Studies Institute, University of Georgia