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KIKO ni nini (What is KIKO?)

Kuhusu Kiswahili (About Kiswahili)

Matamshi ya Kiswahili (Kiswahili pronunciation)

Sarufi ya Kiswahili (Kiswahili grammar)

WanaKIKO (KIKO Team)

Shukrani (Acknowledgement)


KIKO ni nini?/What is KIKO?

KIKO is an acronym for Kiswahili kwa Komputa (Kiswahili using the computer).

This is your chance to learn Kiswahili through the computer. KIKO is a multimedia course integrating the use of video, audio, and text. There will be three levels: elementary, intermediate, and advanced. The plan is to facilitate gradual learning of Kiswahili both in the traditional classroom and independently. The KIKO team would like to help you achieve your proficiency in the language at your own pace. KIKO is a content-based course divided into units. Each unit has a number of lessons, and exercises with accompanying helpful grammar and cultural notes.

© African Studies Institute, University of Georgia.